Sunday, August 12, 2012

Childhood and How I Managed to Get to This Place

Let's start from the beginning.

As a wee child I dabbled in all sorts of things: jazz, gymnastics, taekwondo, swim team, pony's (good Lord, I was obsessed with horses - ask 7 year old me and I would've told you I actually WAS infact myself a pony. Cue horse whinny...) I digress.... Through all of my "sporty" experience, I never stuck with anything. I danced for a bit and got bored. I did a little balance beam - bored again. I think I went to 2 whole taekwondo classes. Let me tell you, the parents weren't to pleased with that one I as somehow coerced them into thinking I was really into martial arts and therefore the signing of a 2 year contract was totally legitimate. Not. I was more content with doing other things such as aggravating my baby scissor, watching Power Rangers, you know? Watching a kick ass TV show is much better than actually learning how to kick ass. I was completely content with not only being an underachiever but a quitter as well. The only thing I can really say I truly applied myself to was school. Not only was a quitter, I to was a very socially akward child. Some call it shy, I call it my "I just don't care about those other loser kids and their boring activities. Let's play ponies some more" attitude.

Fast forward a few more years: There I was in highschool. 4 years of P.E. as a graduation requirement? You've got to be effing kidding me! Rather than subject myself to a mile of track running per week and the lovely dodgeball games, I chose another route. Despite my aversion for anything social, I opted to take a few extra speech classes just to get me out of a little sweat.

Somewhere between my beginning college and where I'm at now I noticed my waistband becoming increasingly tight. For some reason unbeknownst to me I decided to download that Nike+ App we all know, and began a C25K program. Thanks to my iPhone I was for the very first time in my life able to run a mile . . . without stopping!! I ran for about 6 months, lost about 10 pounds, and gained a confidence I had never felt.

And I present to you, Me . . . and the roomie
Shortly thereafter, I hit an awesome plateau and stopped my running routine. For a year I ran here and there and continually told myself "I'm going to start running again next week". On December 31st 2011, my roommate (Babel) and I had actually committed to running the Austin 1020 that would take place in April. The next day we were to begin our training plan together. Ready for this....? That very same evening while walking to the car to go for a New Year's dinner I tripped over my own feet and sprained my ankle. HAPPY NEW YEAR, way to start it off right guys!!

Those stairs were a living hell
In all honesty, maybe the injury was the best thing to "jumpstart" my running. I worked for 3 months rehabing my ankle, and in March I bought my Garmin. What a delightful thing those gadgets are. My rational was, "If I spend my net worth on that watch, I'll definitely stay motivated". Me and that watch have a love-hate relationship. It has managed to keep me motivated, that and the fact that I signed up for the Houston Aramco Half-Marathon in January 2013. I've got a lot of work to do and many many many miles before I get there. But I'll be damned if I don't get there.

Now, I'm running at least 4 times a week, working full-time, and going to school to receive a degree in social work that will have taken me almost 10 years to get. I'm addicted to my dogs.

Phoebe (left) & Tyler (right)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

3rd Annual Sweat Your Thorns Off Recap

It appears as if I have forgotten an introduction. We'll get to the boring crap later.

Today I ran my very first race (In full discloser, I DNS'd my very very first one back in July. My ego  Nerves got the best of me). So what if today's was a virtual one, I'm still counting it.

Clearly, I have amazing photo editing skills.

TheBoringRunner hosted his 3rd annual Sweat Your Thorns Off Virtual Race. I figured why not participate in this one. I don't have to worry about anybody else passing me up and looking feeling like a loser. I'm working on that. It goes back to that ego thing. Anywaysssssss....

The first mile always makes me want to pitch a fit and go home. I did, however, use this first mile as an excuse to run slow enough to get a picture of my South Texas run for y'all. BTW have you seen the temperature index for South Texas? Let's just say I had NO PROBLEM sweating my balls off for this one.

Down here in Texas we have greenbelts. It makes for a nice little running experience. That is IF you can avoid the dog shit on the concrete. Who really lets their dog crap on the sidewalk anyways? Everyone knows that's a set up for back splash. The dirt is so much more absorbent.

Mile 2 still sucked. I think I looked at my watch every tenth of the mile. It took an obscene amount of time to knock that mile out. Or felt like it at least.

Mile 3 was easy peasy. I love it when I hit that mark where it begins to feel ok. Do I dare say it felt good? Uh hell yes it felt good. So good I decided to continue on for a 4th. Did I mention that my current training plan called for a 3-4 mile long run today? No? Ok, well it did. I figured what a better way to spend my "long" run than doing a 5k with all you virtual peeps.

Also, I didn't bother to stop and take anymore pictures. I've yet to master that skill (along with many others). Any tips for that one? How in the heck are you guys taking pictures and still moving?! However, I did snap a picture of my dog molesting me enjoying himself and licking the sweat off of me after the 4 miles.

I also didn't bother printing my bib out. I'm fresh out of safety pins.

Who am I kidding? I'm lazy and didn't feel like hooking up the printer. I did have Babel take a snapshot of me beside my prized bib. I plan on making one of those ever-popular bib coasters out of it.

This was awesome. I'm still waiting on that watered down gatorade though. I've been creeping you for awhile and I have to say, you let me down on that one, Adam.

Official Time: 38:13.2